Prinzmetal Angina

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Prinzmetal Angina

Prinzmetal Angina: Symptoms and Causes


Prinzmetal angina, also known as variant angina or vasospastic angina, is a type of chest pain caused by the spasm of the coronary arteries. Unlike typical angina, which results from atherosclerosis, Prinzmetal angina occurs due to intermittent narrowing of the coronary arteries due to spasm, leading to reduced blood flow to the heart muscle.

Symptoms of Prinzmetal Angina

1. Chest Pain:

  • The primary symptom is chest pain or discomfort, which is often described as squeezing, pressure-like, or sharp.
  • This pain is typically located in the chest area but can radiate to the shoulders, arms, neck, or jaw.

2. Timing and Duration:

  • The pain often occurs at rest, particularly during the night or early morning hours.
  • Episodes can last from a few minutes to several minutes and may resolve spontaneously or with medication.

3. Associated Symptoms:

  • The pain is usually transient and may be accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath or nausea, but these are less common compared to typical angina.

4. Relief:

  • The pain usually resolves with the use of medications such as nitrates or calcium channel blockers, which help to relieve the spasm.

Prinzmetal Angina

Causes of Prinzmetal Angina

1. Coronary Artery Spasm:

  • The main cause of Prinzmetal angina is the spasm of the coronary arteries, which temporarily narrows the arteries and reduces blood flow to the heart muscle.

2. Endothelial Dysfunction:

  • Abnormalities in the endothelial cells (the cells lining the blood vessels) can lead to inappropriate constriction of the arteries.

3. Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance:

  • Imbalances in the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary bodily functions, can trigger coronary artery spasm.

4. Triggering Factors:

i. Stress:

  • Emotional or physical stress can induce coronary artery spasm.

ii. Smoking:

  • Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes can provoke spasms.

iii. Cold Exposure:

  • Exposure to cold temperatures may trigger episodes.

iv. Drug Use:

  • Certain drugs, including stimulants and recreational drugs, can cause spasm.

v. Other Factors:

  • Conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hormonal changes may also contribute.

Prinzmetal angina is characterized by chest pain resulting from coronary artery spasm, which reduces blood flow to the heart. Recognizing the symptoms and understanding the causes can aid in effective management and treatment. Addressing lifestyle factors and using medications to prevent or relieve episodes are crucial for controlling this condition. If you experience symptoms of angina, consult with Johal Multispeciality Hospital Jalandhar, Punjab for expert care and treatment. Johal Multispeciality Hospital, provide comprehensive medical care from the team of experts. Whether it's a routine check-up or specialized treatment, our experienced team is here to ensure your health and well-being.